Confirmation means, when you are transferring item(s) (move, merge, duplicate), or you are tossing an item(s), you want to verify the transferring item once again before it is actually transferred in Paper Tiger. You can choose to require a confirmation when using the Transfer function. You would check the radio button to require confirmation while transferring the item.
You can also print out a Transfer Report prior to Confirming so that you can verify the location the item will be moved to or have your assistant physically move the item(s), then check Confirm in Paper Tiger to affirm the job has been completed.
You would then need to select the Confirm box in the upper right corner. This will allow you to make sure that your item is being moved, merged or duplicated to the correct location. Click the check box(es) beside each item that you want to confirm, then click on the CONFIRM button. You can also choose to CANCEL any transferred item at this point.
When you click on “Confirm” button in the browser window, then you will be able to see the items in the new location.
Requiring confirmation means, when you are transferring items to another location, you want to verify the transferring item once again it is transferring to another location then you can check the radio button required confirmation while transferring the item.