This error is caused by the corruption of the PTADMIN database that The Paper Tiger uses for its internal administration. This bug can be caused by launching the program multiple times, and has been corrected since version 4.1.18.
You will find a download for your version of The Paper Tiger attached to this post. Please download the file that corresponds to your version, ie. Basic, Professional, or Network and follow the instructions. This WILL NOT erase any of your files or your Paper Tiger Database.
For Basic Users:
NOTE: You will have to re-enter your serial number for The Paper Tiger after completing this procedure.
1. Download the file DropPTAdBasic.exe and save it to your desktop
2. Double click the file to open it
3. It will ask you "Are you sure you want to drop the Admin table?", click yes (it is normal for the window to close automatically)
4. After that, restart your computer and open up The Paper Tiger again.
For Professional Users:
NOTE: You will have to re-enter your serial number for The Paper Tiger after completing this procedure.
1. Download the file DropPTAdProfessional.exe and save it to your desktop
2. Double click the file to open it
3. It will ask you "Are you sure you want to drop the Admin table?", click yes (it is normal for the window to close automatically)
4. After that, restart your computer and open up The Paper Tiger again.
For Network Users:
NOTE: You will have to re-enter your serial number, and your network license number for The Paper Tiger after completing this procedure. You will also have to RECREATE ALL NETWORK USERS since they are stored on the database that got corrupted
1. Download the file DropPTAdNetwork.exe on the Server Computer and save it to your desktop
2. Double click the file to open it
3. It will ask you "Are you sure you want to drop the Admin table?", click yes (it is normal for the window to close automatically)
4. After that, restart your computer and open up The Paper Tiger Client again.