
What is the easiest and best way to learn the software?

If you need further information on how to use the software and/or help with the conversion of your paper files (this is not technical support – this is usability 'how to use the software' support) to the new Paper Tiger system, there are many options available to you: 

VIDEOS - The Paper Tiger website has videos that are available for free, that give a good overview of how the system works and valuable tips on how you can approach the conversion of your paper files to the new system. You can view the videos from our website that relates to Paper Tiger Online and for videos relating to Paper Tiger desktop version along with the tutorials, please click here. You will need Adobe Flashplayer to view the videos. You can download Adobe Flashplayer for free at

KNOWLEDGE BASE - Our knowledge base articles and blog posts will give you the basics of how to convert your document management filing system to Paper Tiger. 

CONSULTANTS – Paper Tiger Experts are professional organizers who will work with you either over the phone or in-person to complete your conversion, setup and training on the new Paper Tiger system, along with teaching you a system to get organized and work more productively.  You will negotiate directly with the consultant regarding their fees. 

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