
Interviews and Teleclasses

Interviews with Experts

Paper Tiger Interview with Sherry Borsheim

In this interview, Sherry shares why she loves Paper Tiger and the many ways that it solves paper and productivity issues for people.

Paper Tiger Interview with Stephanie Calahan

In this interview, Stephanie tells why Paper Tiger is a great tool to gain focus and reduce stress due to the results it produces to get organized. She explains why it is helpful to have a professional assist you in creating a workflow system so you can be more productive in all areas of your life.


Paper Tiger Interview with Anne McGurty

In this interview, Anne tells us the ways Paper Tiger helps people to delegate, and it helps them to have more time and energy to work on their business or get out of the office earlier and do other things that they enjoy other than paper work.

Paper Tiger Desktop Teleclasses

Paper Tiger Teleclass with Anne McGurty


Listen while Anne takes you through how to how to convert your filing system to Paper Tiger Document Management Software, clearing your desk as you go.

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