
The Administrator's Role in The Paper Tiger Network


At least one user of The Paper Tiger Network Edition 4.1 should be given the role of Administrator.  Administrators are responsible for backing up the database, adding new user accounts, creating new databases, deleting locations, emptying trash, and updating the Network License.  Most organizations backup their network drives on a regular basis. Someone using Paper Tiger should sign in as the Administrator occasionally so that a new backup can be made. Also, it is very important that you remember your Administrator’s password even during long periods of not using it! 


There are a few things to keep in mind about administrative mode: 


1. With multiple users tossing items regularly, the trash bin can quickly become the largest location you have.  It is a good idea to check the number of items in the trash periodically and empty the trash accordingly. 

2. It is important that you do database backups regularly even if the Network drives are backed up on a regular basis.  This gives you as an administrator rmore capabilities to restore your database if you need to.  Paper Tiger uses the SQL Server backup process to back up the database files.   The backup files are stored in the “PaperTiger  PTNetwork41 DBBackups” folder.  SQL Server controls this folder, so you should be very careful in manually moving files in or out of this folder.  Typically, the database is automatically backed up when the Administrator closes down Paper Tiger.  It is not automatically backed up when Network Users close the system down.    

3. The database can be backed up at any time by the Administrator using the Database Backup Manager.  It is located under the File menu.     

4. Users are locked out until the Administrator logs out.


The link below has documentation that describes how to manage Network users and how control access to The Paper Tiger database.

Please create Network users first in the Paper Tiger from the Administrator/Server module, once you created the Network users you can login as a network user.

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