Archiving the database means you can save a copy of your database backup file(s) at your desired location. Those archived database files can be restored if needed.
If you want to take the copy of your backup files, you can do it manually by going to the location or you use the Archiving option in Paper Tiger itself.
Paper Tiger uses the SQL Server backup process to back up the database files. The backup files are stored in the “PaperTiger PTXXXX41 DBBackups” folder. SQL Server controls this folder, so you should be very careful in manually moving files in or out of this folder. In addition to the automatic backup when closing Paper Tiger*, the database can be backed up at any time using the Database Backup Manager. It is located under the File menu.
*In the Network edition, the backup is only performed when Paper Tiger is opened by the Admin. See more information in The Administrator's Role in The Paper Tiger Network
Archiving a Database Backup
Should you want to take your database backup file and move it to a remote location, such as a server, flash drive or a CD-R for an off-site backup, producing a backup file to do so with is simple. Follow the following steps:
1. Make sure all Pending items are Confirmed by clicking on the Confirm box, and clicking under the Confirm column for each item in the list.
2. Empty the Trash.
3. Select Database Backup Manager from the File menu
3. Select Full Database from the Type of Backup area
4. Click on Backup Database
5. Select Create New Backup File from the Type of Backup area
6. Click on Backup Database again
8. Under the window area entitled Backup Files, select the MIDDLE item from the 3 NEWLY CREATED BACKUP FILES in the list of backup files
9. Click on Archive Backup File
10. Name the file you wish to save and select where it will be located
11. Click on Save
The most current backup file cannot be archived. Archiving a backup file requires that a newer backup file be generated first. This is to ensure that automatic backups can still occur when the program is closed.
Archived backups are not selectable/usable from the database manager window. They can only be selected by clicking on the Restore Archive File button.
Restoring Your Database from an Archived Backup File
When in need of restoring your database from an archived backup file,
1. Select Database Backup Manager from the File menu
2. Click on Restore Archive File
3. Browse to and open the specific file you wish to restore from
4. Select the newly restored backup file
5. Click on Restore Database
6. A confirmation window appears asking if you chose the correct database restore point. Click yes if you are positive you have chosen the correct point
Follow the following link for documentation on how to use the Database Backup Manager.