
Received error "Failed to connect to server XXXXX\PTXXXXX41" or "OpenSQLServer"

Known Error Solutions

Antivirus Blocking SQL Installation

SQL Server Related Error

Computer Name Related Error



This error usually happens due to a number of issues with SQL:

  1. If the antivirus or firewall applications are not turned off prior to installing Paper Tiger, please see section below entitled Antivirus Related Error.
  2. Your computer name has a dash or other symbol in its name. If you have a dash in your computer name, please see section below entitled 'Computer Name Related Error'
  3. If Paper Tiger worked at one time and suddenly stopped working, please see section below entitled Antivirus Related Error, in the 3rd paragraph, you will find instructions to turn the SQL back on.

Note: for instructions relating to Windows 7, please see Turning SQL Service on for Windows 7 knowledge base article.

Note: for instructions relating to Windows 10, please see Turning SQL Service on for Windows 10 knowledge base article.


Video Troubleshooting Guide

You can find a video troubleshooting guide that covers some of the topics in this article in the following video:


Antivirus Related SQL Error

In some occasions, especially related to Norton 360, some antivirus software will block the installation of Microsoft SQL Express 2005 in an attempt to secure your system. This issue will be apparent when an "Error 0" is prompted at the start of The Paper Tiger Software.

If the software has not worked since being installed, please disable all Antivirus, Spyware, and Firewall software you have running on the operating system. Once those systems are disabled, perform a repair function on The Paper Tiger Software by running the installation file from the download/CD and choosing the "Repair" function.

If the software worked at a previous time and suddenly stopped working, please check your antivirus and firewall settings to make sure that the program and any other program related to SQL has full inbound and outbound access to the internet. Following that, please check to make sure that the Paper Tiger Database Service is started and running. You can do that by navigating to the Windows Control Panel (make sure the classic view is enabled), then to Administrative Tools, and then by clicking on the Services icon. You should see the following screen:


If the item named SQL Server (PTXXXXX41) does not state "started" on the status column, double click on the item and click on the Start button as shown:


Once the service starts, Paper Tiger should work normally! 


SQL Server Related Error

This is catch-all error that indicates some type of complication accessing the SQL Server database from The Paper Tiger.

It is possible that an error occurred during installation that caused SQL Server not to be installed or for some reason it was not started.

Steps to Check Whether the SQL Service of the Paper tiger is started or not:

  1. Navigate to your SQL Configuration Manager application.
  2. To do this go to Start > Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2005 > Configuration Tools > SQL Configuration Manager.
  3. SQL server configuration manager window will be opened.
  4. Select SQL server 2005 services in the left pane then it will display the existed SQL services in the right pane of the window.
  5. Check whether the SQL server (PTXXXXXX 41) is in “running” state or not.Note: If it is in running state then it will show the state as “running”.
  6. If it is not in the running state. Right click on SQL Server (PTXXXXX 41) and select the “start” option.
  7. Then the service will be start. Close the SQL configuration manager window.
  8. Open the Professional Paper Tiger application. You can normally work with paper tiger. Note: “XXXXX” in “PTXXXXX41” indicates the version of the Paper Tiger you are having. It will be Professional/Basic/Network.

If SQL Server does not start, you will need to uninstall SQL Express 2005 Software and perform a repair function on from the software. You can refer to this Microsoft Knowledge Base article for help in uninstalling Microsoft SQL Express Server 2005:

If you can’t find the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 in the start menu or you can’t find a PTXXXX41 entry in the list, it indicates that SQL Server was not installed correctly and you will need to run the repair option in the Paper Tiger installation disc or from the updates products download page, click here and choose the product edition and build version that you have.


Computer name Related Error

This problem can also be caused by special characters in the computer name.

To accomplish this follow these steps :

In Windows XP

  1. Navigate to your control panel via the start menu.
  2. Double click on your System icon.
  3. Look under the Computer Name tab within System Properties window.
  4. Press the "Change..." button to open up the Computer Name Changes window.
  5. Under the Computer name field check to see if it complies with these criteria:
      Removal of Special Characters such as , . : ; ‘ “ + - _ * & % ` ~ and/or spaces
  6. If changes are necessary be sure to confirm by pushing the OK button.
  7. You will be required to restart your computer.

In Windows Vista

  1. Navigate to your control panel via the start menu.
  2. Double click on your System icon.
  3. Under the section "Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings" click Change settings.
  4. Look under the Computer Name tab within System Properties window.
  5. Press the "Change..." button to open up the Computer Name Changes window.
  6. Under the Computer name field check to see if it complies with these criteria:
      Removal of Special Characters such as , . : ; ‘ “ + - _ * & % ` ~ and/or spaces
  7. If changes are necessary be sure to confirm by pushing the OK button.
  8. You will be required to restart your computer.

If you cannot find the entry in the start menu, it means that SQL Server is not installed.

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