
Turning SQL Service on for Windows 7/Vista

Restarting SQLServer Service on Windows 7/Vista Machines


This error usually happens due to a number of issues with SQL:

  1. If the antivirus or firewall applications are not turned off prior to installing Paper Tiger, please see section below entitled Antivirus Related Error.
  2. Your computer name has a dash or other symbol in its name. If you have a dash in your computer name, please see section below entitled 'Computer Name Related Error'
  3. If Paper Tiger worked at one time and suddenly stopped working, please see section below entitled Turning SQL Back On, in the 3rd paragraph, you will find instructions to turn the SQL back on.

Note: for instructions relating to Windows 10, please see Turning SQL Service on for Windows 10 knowledge base article.


Installation Antivirus Related Error


  1. First, please make sure your anti-virus software and firewalls are turned off. 
  2. Then you will need to go to Control Panel, then Add/Remove Programs and locate The Paper Tiger XXX 4.1. (XXX would be the edition of Paper Tiger you have: Basic, Professional, or Network.)
  3. Right-click on change.
  4. A blue box should appear providing you with 3 options. Select the option to Repair.


Computer Name Related Error


  1. Right-click on the Start button and select System from the context menu.
  2. In the window that opens, under the heading "Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings," click Change settings on the far right.
  3. The Change settings option will take you to a screen where you can give your computer a proper name.
  4. The System Properties window will open with the "Computer Name" tab selected. Here click the Change... button next to "To rename this computer or change its domain or workgroup, click Change."
  5. A third window opens, here you can just change the name of your PC to whatever you'd like, click OK, and close any of the open windows.
  6. You'll be prompted to restart your PC, and once you do, the name change will be complete.



Turning SQL Back On


1. From the Desktop, click Windows logo to open Menu



2. Go to "Control Panel"




3. Depending on whether your view is set to icon or category you will either see Window A or Window B

WINDOW A: Category View

i. Go to System and Security





WINDOW B: Icon View


ii. Go to Administrative Tools






4.On Administrative Tools page - Go to "Services"



5.On the Services Window Click on the SQL Server (PTPROFESSIONAL41). Restart the service by right clicking the service and selecting "Start" or clicking the "Start" the Service link to the left of the Window




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