
Paper Tiger SQL - Update from 2005 SQL Server Express

Our software currently runs sql server express edition 2005.  If you would like to upgrade the express edition, which is optional you may do so by following the below instructions AFTER installing the paper tiger desktop version with its packaged 2005 sql server express edition successfully.


Before beginning the following steps, please note your Paper Tiger serial number and for Network multiuser users, note your network license number. If you don't have this readily available, go to Help at the top menu, select About Paper Tiger option. The About Paper Tiger option will open a dialog box that will present the serial number(s).


1.) Here is the link for

2) Click Download, Click & Run the exe: ENU\x86\SQLEXPR_x86_ENU.exe *32 Bit Version

3) Once the SQL Server Installation Center is open, click on the "Installation" button on the menu to the left. 

4) Clicking the button will lead you to a new page. At this point, you'll select "Upgrade from SQL Server 2000 or SQL Server 2005"

5) Follow the installation instructions and install the Setup Support Files

6) Once the Setup Support Files are installed, a separate page will pop-up. When you get to the point that says "Select Instance" - you'll want to select PT(Version Name). For example, PTPROFESSIONAL4.1. 

7) Install the defaults

8) You should have a fully operational version of SQL Server 2008/2012. Please restart the computer before you use Paper Tiger again.

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