Sales Questions
- Why do you not offer support or updates on Paper Tiger versions before 4.0?
- Can we purchase a network version of Paper Tiger software?
- What forms of payment do you accept?
- If I am dissatisfied, how can I return the software?
- How long does it take for my package to be shipped/delivered?
- System Requirements
- How do I update my name, company name, address, phone or email with Monticello?
- Is The Paper Tiger software compatible with the 64 bit version of Windows?
- Do I need a copy of Paper Tiger software on every computer that I use it on?
- Is there a limit to how many users I can have on the network edition of Paper Tiger software?
- How do I know that my order has been shipped?
- Which edition of the software should I purchase?
- Can I purchase an Apple Macintosh version of the Paper Tiger software?