Technical Support Questions
- I've lost the Paper Tiger screen?
- How do I change my computer name?
- Scheduling a remote session for tech support
- How do I take a screen shot?
- Is my version of Paper Tiger Desktop still supported?
- How do I check for updates in Paper Tiger?
- How do I find my product serial number?
- Finding what Paper Tiger Desktop Edition and Build is installed
- How do I use The Paper Tiger software on my Palm or Visor PDA?
- How can the cells in the browser's grid be resized?
- How can I sort the browser's grid by specific columns?
- How can I enable or disable the spellchecker?
- How do I know what version of Paper Tiger I am using?
- I am told that I need a serial number to use the software, where can I find that?
- I have lost my Paper Tiger serial number, what should I do?
- If I decide to move to a new edition of the software (Basic to Pro), (Pro to Network), etc., will I be able to easily move my database to the new edition?
- We have lost our software/cd, what can we do?
- How do I get technical support?